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Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Host- Theme & Summary

The overall theme of The Host by Stephanie Meyer is "Fear of losing a loved one, especially in a violent situation, is the kind of fear that gives people the will power to keep seaching, even after they have lost." This theme is present because the main character, Melanie Stryder, lives in a world where these aliens have taken over, and she is one of the few humans left. She has been invaded by an alien race of people.who have planted another spirit living inside of her, who can access her memories and thoughts, and everything else about her. The spirits name is Wanderer. Wanderers main goal is to find out where the other humans are hiding. The problem is that Melanie is still alive and is trying to take back her body.
    Drowned in memories, Wanderer soon falls in love with Melanie's human boyfriend, Jared, and they both go across the desert in search of looking for him and her little bother, Jamie. Wanderer than makes an agreement with Melanie that if Wanderer does not tell anyone, they will go find Jared and Jamie. The theme becomes present at this part of the book becuase it shows how Melanie (and Wanderer) are doing whatever it takes to become reunited with who they love, even if it will cost them their lives. This theme was the most interesting to me because I saw it ironic on how Wanderer will go to drastic lengths to find Jared, even when Wanderer is supposed to find him and turn him and his friends/family in, not fall in love.

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